People, Process, Technology: It Takes All 3

July 3, 2024

When it comes to navigating the maze of Governance, Risk, and Compliance, there's one simple rule: finding perfect harmony between cutting-edge tech and good, old-fashioned human know-how. 


Picture this: a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) paints a vision of the future where compliance is seamlessly automated. "In two to three years, we'll have everything automated. Compliance will be a thing of the past." 


Declaring a vision is one thing. We all know bringing it to fruition is another.  


For a lot of organizations, post-vision solutioning starts with finding some kind of shiny, new technology. The problem is they stop there and end up with a tangled mess of technology that's not sustainable. Why? Because the people and processes that make the technology work weren’t brought along for the ride.  


So, let's break this down: 


People: At the heart of every organization are the individuals who bring expertise, adaptability, and insight to the table. You need people who can keep an eye on things, make adjustments when needed, and stay on top of changing regulations. No amount of automation can replace good, old-fashioned human ingenuity. 


Processes: Think of processes as the glue that holds everything together. Without proper setup and configuration, your shiny new tech is about as useful as a paperweight. Processes change. All the time. If automations are not being updated to keep pace, things can fall behind. 


Technology: While technology offers great potential, it's important to view it as an enabler rather than a silver bullet. It's a tool, plain and simple. And like any tool, it's only as good as the people and processes wielding it.  


So, what's the takeaway here?  


Simple: Balance is Key.  


Sure, embrace technology where it makes sense. But don't forget about the people and processes that make it all work to really carry out the vision.  

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