Internal or External Resources? YES!

July 3, 2024

Imagine trusting a neighborhood kid to take care of your dog while on vacation. While they may be capable of completing the task you’ve outlined; they will likely only do exactly as you ask. The dog gets what they need and the job is done.

In contrast, imagine trusting an adult neighbor caring for your dog while on vacation. Aside from caring for the dog, they’re going to think about trash days, bringing in the mail, and would probably take notice of a leaky faucet or other things that could be amiss.  

This more experienced person wouldn't just check the boxes; they would look beyond them, potentially avoiding disaster. 

To a trained ear, a leaky faucet needs immediate attention. To the neighborhood kid, they probably won't even notice.

The same is true for deciding which resources you need to carry your Cyber GRC program to success. 

Long-term employees are invaluable knowing the ins and outs of your business, understanding corporate culture, and executing a few daily tasks efficiently. 

Outsourced resources who work with multiple different companies bring perspective, best practice, deep experience, and bandwidth to truly become an extension of your team.

Sometimes you need someone to do exactly what you’ve asked.  

Other times you need someone who is going to look beyond the challenge you’re presenting, ask the right questions, and use their experience to notice when something is amiss and guide you to the best solution.

Combining the efforts of your internal team with the outside expertise ensures you catch the leaks before they become floods, securing a smoother, more successful journey toward your goals. It also extends the bandwidth of your internal team so that the overall work output greatly increases.

So, the next time you're tempted to solve a problem solely on cost or convenience, pause for a moment to consider the bigger picture. Think about the risks, the complexities, the ultimate objective, and the potential leaky faucets waiting to trip you up.  

And then, construct your team accordingly.

When it comes to unlocking success, it's not about choosing between your internal team and external resources. It's about enacting the right blended team at the right time. Surround yourself with the talent necessary that not only understands your vision but is also able to get you to your goals.

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Internal or External Resources? YES!

Imagine trusting a neighborhood kid to take care of your dog while on vacation. While they may be capable of completing the task you’ve outlined; they will likely only do exactly as you ask. The dog gets what they need and the job is done. In contrast, imagine trusting an adult neighbor caring for your […]

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