Why Maturity Matters: Overcoming GRC Cognitive Overload with the Maturity Model
Please join Kayne McGladrey, author of the GRC Maturity Model and Cheri Hotman as they explore the GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) Maturity Model, a powerful tool for organizations to assess and enhance their cybersecurity practices. Achieving maturity in GRC is crucial for navigating complex regulatory landscapes and boosting overall effectiveness. Through self-assessments, organizations can […]
Internal or External Resources? YES!
Imagine trusting a neighborhood kid to take care of your dog while on vacation. While they may be capable of completing the task you’ve outlined; they will likely only do exactly as you ask. The dog gets what they need and the job is done.   In contrast, imagine trusting an adult neighbor caring for […]
Vulnerability Scans: Only Part of the Equation
There are two primary ways we see companies manage vulnerabilities… one of them significantly riskier than the other.   Reactive strategies rely on a problem to arise before taking action. This makes reactive the riskier option of the two, hopefully for obvious reasons. Using a reactive strategy is like waiting for an electric bill to […]

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