Elevate your Cyber GRC program with

end-to-end expertise

Safeguard your organization with unshakable integrity

Your organization's compliance is more than just meeting regulatory requirements.

As a leader who values integrity, your ultimate goal is to have a governance, risk, and compliance program that doesn't exist to simply pass an audit but protects the organization from everything from shaky internal processes to external threats.

From selecting the right expertise to cast a vision and strategy, to the resources available to execute and bring the organization to maturity, managing a comprehensive GRC program that achieves these objectives requires a team of excellence at every level.

Hotman Group is equipped to create or mature your program with comprehensive, end-to-end expertise.

We craft a customized retainer for your organization that starts with assessing the gaps then moves into a strategic roadmap, building and executing the program, and running the program to maturity and beyond.

Phase 1

Program Assessment & Strategic Roadmap

The foundational gap assessment provides necessary discovery to inform the strategic roadmap and beyond. Quick wins will be gained in this phase of our engagement together. Based on our findings, and any subsequent discussions on strategy, we'll build a roadmap to achieve a minimum viable product based on frameworks your organization would like to align to.

Assess existing controls and documentation currently in place, if any

Document findings and determine gaps

Share insight to address urgent vulnerabilites

Prioritize recommendations based on budgetary requirements

Leverage existing efficiencies and make recommendations for a plan of remediation

Discuss prioritization for realistic remediation efforts and timeline

Phase 2

Build & Execute

The Build and Execute phase implements the strategies we've identified in Phase 1.

Follow our strategic roadmap

Collaborate with product and management teams

Build the right reporting, selection and implementation of tools

Share new findings as implementation takes place

Manage work effort and resources with accountability to a schedule and consistent results

Transparent in communication, project status, and executive-level reporting

Phase 3

Ongoing Advisory Services & Staff Augmentation

Hotman Group becomes an integrated part of your team.

Source, provide, assign, and manage the right staff augmented resources to meet your specific objectives

Ongoing advisory and expertise to share best practices

Team accountability to ensure the program is sustained and maturing

Strategic support for future certifications

3 steps to navigating your

roadmap to maturity

1. Assess & Strategize

Engage in a comprehensive assessment to identify existing controls and critical potential failures.

2. Build & Implement

Implement the strategic roadmap by collaboratively building and executing the program.

3. Sustain & Maintain

Transition into ongoing advisory services and staff augmentation to ensure the program is sustained and continue to mature.

Get a partner that values your security as much as you do and is able to leverage your GRC program effectively.

Most companies look at
their cybersecurity
piecemeal, inadvertently
putting themselves at risk.
With Hotman Group, we
approach cyber security
strategically, with a plan so
you can be fully protected.

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