Tailor Your

Cyber GRC Support

Choose your level of expert help.

Seamlessly integrate governance, compliance, and risk management with our expert guidance

Every GRC program requires a unique approach. While full-service staff augmentation might be the perfect fit for some, others may benefit from an expert review of their program to identify gaps, or just need assistance with tool integration or migration to achieve their objectives.

Regardless of your specific needs, our experts are prepared to assist.


Comprehensive cybersecurity and compliance consulting expertise to unify and align risk, compliance, and security in a cohesive, sustainable, and reportable way.

Full-Service SaaS Implementation

A fully managed solution inclusive of assessment, planning, alignment, and implementation of a GRC program. Scaled up or down to march towards maturity and any goals that exist in between.

Adoption of New Frameworks

Program expansion and alignment to new frameworks or changing regulations to get to an audit-ready state.


Risk Management & Assessment

Establishing appropriate levels of organizational risk tolerance to build a cadence for risk management, prioritization, treatment, and communication.

Gap & Readiness Assessments

Assessment of the organization's readiness for alignment to their chosen framework with remediation recommendations necessary to address during an audit.

GRC Program Health Check

Comprehensive program and tools review to document current state, identify efficiences, and make optimization recommendations that will align program goals and objectives.

Internal Audit & Third Party Assessment

Independent third party service that enhances operations with a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Tailored for frameworks such as ISO 27001 and FedRAMP.

Security Questionnaires as a Service

Security questionnaire support while in the sales cycle or during one-off compliance questionnaire requests from customers.

Supply Chain (or Third Party) Risk Management

Building a program to provide efficient and effective security due diligence around third-party supply chain risks.

Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Incident Response

Comprehensive planning for security, technology, and the overall business to create organizational resilience in the midst of various external challenges.

3 steps to engage expert guidance based on your required level of support.

1. Let's Chat

Connect with our team about your challenges or the solutions you've identified.

2. We'll Get Right to Work

Our team will get to work, helping where your program needs it most.

3. Achieve Your Objectives

Get the exact level of help you need to call your program a success.

Get a partner that can scale to your

program's needs, providing expert

guidance along the way.

Most companies look at
their cybersecurity
piecemeal, inadvertently
putting themselves at risk.
With Hotman Group, we
approach cyber security
strategically, with a plan so
you can be fully protected.

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